Individuals can be placed into ranked ategories ordered highest to lowest (or In the 1997 Survey lowest to highest) E Health cond tons of live births? Height Economic status 1). Healty 2). Bascally healty 4). Congenitally asable 317. What do you think of the imact of induced abort 5). Diabled after birth on your physical and mental health? 1). No impact. Medium 2).Some impact 5).Noidea Very short Poor Sex-selection should be banned Ordinal scales Strongly agree? Both nominal and ordinal data are referred to as categorical variables. Neither type of data can be used in mathematica calculations or transformations Disagree? trongly disagree? 87 13 • Individuals can be placed into ranked categories ordered highest to lowest (or lowest to highest) Very short Short Medium Tall Very tall Height Poor Modest income Lower-middle income Upper-middle income Wealthy Economic status 14 Sex-selection should be banned Do you: Strongly disagree? Disagree? Unsure? Agree? Strongly agree? 8 15 In the 1997 Survey 16 Ordinal scales • Both nominal and ordinal data are referred to as categorical variables. Neither type of data can be used in mathematical calculations or transformations