Principal Vaccines Used in the United States to Prevent Bacterial Diseases in Humans 。DtaP Diphtheria:Purified diphtheria toxoid Pertussis:Acellular fragments of B.pertussis Tetanus:Purified tetanus toxoid Meningococcal meningitis:Purified polysaccharide from N.meningitidis Haemophilus influenzae type b meningitis: Polysaccharides conjugated with protein Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine:S.pneumoniae antigens conjugated with protein • DtaP • Diphtheria: Purified diphtheria toxoid • Pertussis: Acellular fragments of B. pertussis • Tetanus: Purified tetanus toxoid • Meningococcal meningitis: Purified polysaccharide from N. meningitidis • Haemophilus influenzae type b meningitis: Polysaccharides conjugated with protein • Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine: S. pneumoniae antigens conjugated with protein Principal Vaccines Used in the United States to Prevent Bacterial Diseases in Humans
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