Approximate Calculation of Solid Surface S.J.T.U. Energy Phase Transformation and Applications Page 11/42 The binding energy of an atom to a solid is the result of discrete bonds to its nearest neighbors,then the energy of one bond,8,can be written as follows: △Hs 8= 0.5ZNA AHs The molar enthalpy of sublimation(breaking all the bonds) Z The coordination number N Avogadro's number There are 0.5ZNA bonds per mole SJTU Thermodynamics of Materials Spring2008©X.J.Jimn Lecture 20 surfacePhase Transformation and Applications S. J. T. U. SJTU Thermodynamics of Materials Spring 2008 © X. J. Jin Lecture 20 surface Page 11/42 Approximate Calculation of Solid Surface Energy The binding energy of an atom to a solid is the result of discrete bonds to its nearest neighbors, then the energy of one bond, ε, can be written as follows: A S ZN H 5.0 Δ ε = ΔH S The molar enthalpy of sublimation (breaking all the bonds) Z The coordination number NA Avogadro’s number There are 0.5ZNA bonds per mole