Chapter 3 Network Architetures and standarts Figure of the organizations involved in setting telecommunications standards or in passing input to the standards-setting bodies MaIn tal not weD standardm openization d lionel Tofecomnunioatione Unior Telephone and data communication International Organzation for Standardization (Iso) mates wnh the ITu ype Intornot Enoinoorino Task Foreo (ETF) tandardn or now tho Internet http://wwwiotf.oro Unied states? Ae行 al Standards Intitute Datn comminications in p nnp:/www as,on Llectrioel Induetnes Ansacinton (IA) tacan, connecton, media. tanin npy/www oin.oro ENTNeuC Natonal Institute of Standards and 台 tandard of nll ryo htp://www.nistoov ntional t arhanoe corriere ARboniaton Darth ameriean WAN ntar线椭 dor Forez n to the Computer and data comntaneation hattp/www.aema.eh pwww.etslord Corperation for Open systems (cos) he uss of euipment that me The American National Standards Institute(ANSI) is not involved in setting communications standards The official TC P/P model is now maintained by the ietF All communications standards are developed by one organization, the ISoF network Management and operation www.gxmu.edu.cnNetwork Management and Operation www.gxmu.edu.cn Figure of the organizations involved in setting telecommunications standards or in passing input to the standards-setting bodies. The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) is not involved in setting communications standards. The official TCP/IP model is now maintained by the IETF. All communications standards are developed by one organization, the ISO.F Chapter 3 Network Architetures and Standarts
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