汪世鹏等:基于EtherCAT总线的七自由度机械臂的隐蔽攻击技术 ·1663· 进行了比较.实验表明所提出的七自由度机械臂 2006.Pisa2006:805 的系统辨识算法能够较好的辨识系统参数,并且 [12]Akpinar K O,Ozcelik I.Development of the ECAT preprocessor 能很好的应用于机械臂的隐蔽攻击中,验证了所 with the trust communication approach.Secur Commun Nenorks, 2018,2018:1 提方法的可行性.本文所构建的攻击实验平台为 [13]Li W Z,Xie L,Wang Z L.Two-loop covert attacks against 机械臂的攻防试验提供了物理基础,该平台对于 constant value control of industrial control systems.IEEE Trans 类似研究者有一定的借鉴意义 nd Inform,2019,15(2:663 值得注意的是,本文在机械臂的隐蔽攻击实 [14]Xie L,Mo Y L,Sinopoli B.False data injection attacks in 验中,仍然存在许多不足:机械臂的控制中由于传 electricity markets//2010 First IEEE International Conference on 感器的精度问题,导致控制精度不是很高;本文并 Smart Grid Communications.Gaithersburg,2010:226 未对七自由度机械臂的动力学进行研究,因此提 [15]de Sa A O,Carmo L F R d C,Machado R C S.Covert attacks in 出的基于混沌优化多种群粒子群七自由度机械PID cyber-physical control systems.IEEE Transactions on Industrial m/ormatics,.2017,13(4):1641 参数辨识算法并未对机械臂的动力学进行辨识, [16]Krotofil M,Larsen J.Rocking the pocket book:hacking chemical plants//DefCon Conference.DEFCON,2015:1 参考文献 [17]Quarta D,Pogliani M,Polino M,et al.An experimental security [1]Bencsath B,Pek G,Buttyan L,et al.The cousins of stuxnet:Duqu, analysis of an industrial robot controller//2017 IEEE Symposium flame,and gauss.Future Internet,012,4(4):971 on Security and Privacy (SP).San Jose,2017:268 [2]Langner R.Stuxnet:dissecting a cyberwarfare weapon.IEEE [18]Lagraa S,Cailac M,Rivera S,et al.Real-time attack detection on Secur Privacy,2011,9(3):49 robot cameras:a self-driving car application//2019 Third IEEE [3]Wu X P.Xie L H.Performance evaluation of industrial Ethernet International Conference on Robotic Computing (IRC).Naples, protocols for networked control application.Control Eng Pract 2019:102 2019,84:208 [19]Vilches V M,Gil-Uriarte E,Ugarte I Z,et al.Towards an open [4]Sestito G S,Turcato A C.Dias A L,et al.A method for anomalies standard for assessing the severity of robot security vulnerabilities, detection in real-time Ethernet data traffic applied to PROFINET. the Robot Vulnerability Scoring System (RVSS).arXiv preprin IEEE Trans Ind Inform,2018,14(5):2171 (2018-05-16)[2019-12-0刀 arXiv: 1807.10357, 2018. [5]Dias A L,Sestito G S,Brandao D.Performance analysis of http://arxiv.org/abs/1807.10357 Profibus DP and Profinet in a motion control application.Control [20]D 'Souza A,Vijayakumar S,Schaal S.Learning inverse Autom Electr Syst,2017,28(1):86 kinematics//Proceedings 2001 IEEE/RSJ International Conference [6]Chen C H,Lin M Y,Guo X C.High-performance fieldbus on Intelligent Robots and Systems.Expanding the Societal Role of application-specific integrated circuit design for industrial smart Robotics in thethe Next Millennium(Cat.No.01CH37180).IEEE, sensor networks.J Supercomput,2018,74(9):4451 2001:298 [7]Jiang B,Liu Y C,Sun F J,et al.Design of industrial control [21]Denavit J,Hartenberg R S.A kinematic notation for lower pair network based on Modbus/TCP.Low Volt Apparat,2007(13):30 mechanisms based on matrices.JAppl Mech,1955,22:215 (姜斌,刘彦呈,孙凡金,等.基于Modbus/TCP的工业控制网络设 [22]Sui DL,Xie L,Li L P,et al.Coupling planning control algorithm 计.低压电器,2007(13):30) of redundant manipulator.Comput Integr Mamf Syst,2019, [8]Eramo V,Lavacca F G,Listanti M,et al.Definition and 25(12):3226 performance evaluation of an Advanced Avionic TTEthernet (眭东亮,解仑,李连鹏,等.一种冗余机械臂耦合规划控制算法 Architecture for the support of Launcher Networks./EEE 计算机集成制造系统,2019,25(12):3226) Aerospace Electron Syst Mag,2018,33(9):30 [23]CRAIG J J.Introduction to Robotics.Beijing:China Machine [9]Langlois K,van der Hoeven T,Cianca D R,et al.EtherCAT Press,2005 tutorial:an introduction for real-time hardware communication on [24]Yue Y G,Cao L,Hu J,et al.A novel hybrid location algorithm windows.IEEE Robot Autom Mag,2018,25(1):22 based on chaotic particle swarm optimization for mobile position [10]Granat A,Hofken H,Schuba M.Intrusion detection of the ICS estimation.IEEE Access,2019,7:58541 protocol EtherCATllInternational Conference on Computer [25]Tharwat A,Elhoseny M,Hassanien A E,et al.Intelligent Bezier Network Security and Communication Engineering(CNSCE2017). curve-based path planning model using Chaotic Particle Swarm Pennsylvania,2017:52 Optimization algorithm.Cluster Comput,2019,22(2):4745 [11]Perry J C,Rosen J.Design of a 7 degree-of-freedom upper-limb [26]Nagra AA,Han F,Ling Q H,et al.An improved hybrid method powered exoskeleton//The First IEEE/RAS-EMBS International combining gravitational search algorithm with dynamic multi Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics,BioRob swarm particle swarm optimization./EEE Access,2019,7:50388进行了比较. 实验表明所提出的七自由度机械臂 的系统辨识算法能够较好的辨识系统参数,并且 能很好的应用于机械臂的隐蔽攻击中,验证了所 提方法的可行性. 本文所构建的攻击实验平台为 机械臂的攻防试验提供了物理基础,该平台对于 类似研究者有一定的借鉴意义. 值得注意的是,本文在机械臂的隐蔽攻击实 验中,仍然存在许多不足:机械臂的控制中由于传 感器的精度问题,导致控制精度不是很高;本文并 未对七自由度机械臂的动力学进行研究,因此提 出的基于混沌优化多种群粒子群七自由度机械 PID 参数辨识算法并未对机械臂的动力学进行辨识. 参    考    文    献 Bencsath B, Pek G, Buttyan L, et al. The cousins of stuxnet: Duqu, flame, and gauss. 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