3295 BY NOW 2044 南南★ 青南南 I thought they'd be here by now 3308 THINK SO 2033 贵出有 Do you think so? 3320 GO AHEAD 2023 南南南 南南 Why don't you go ahead and call him again? 3322 BRING ABOUT 2022 It was expected that he would bring about change. 3323HAD BETTER 2022 青者★ 青青南 They had better listen. 3327 IN ACCORDANCE 2017 南南 南青南 The plan was execute in accordance with WITH municipal guidelines. 3328 CALL ON 2016 南南南 He called on his members of staff for advice. 3331 AT TIMES 2014 南者南 青南贵 It can be slightly frustrating at times. 3340 ALL THE WAY 2007 有有有 I'm with you all the way. 3349 IN EFFECT 1995 南有 南南南 In effect it was like being in space. 3355 AFFORD TO 1989 青者南 青南南 It's something you can't afford to miss. 3357 SIGHT OF 1988 南南南 南贵南 I can't stand the sight of it,to tell you the truth. 3362 IN ADVANCE 1983 南南南 It's something you should do in advance. 3379 ON THE PART OF 1965 There are no barriers on the part of the govemment. 3387 BRING UP 1958 南者南 南青 Did you manage to bring up the holiday pay? 3388 TAKE OFF 1957 南南南 南者南 I was hungry by the time we took off. 3390 SO AS TO 1954 串南 青南南 南南南 He cluttered his desk so as to appear busy. 3396 TAKE ADVANTAGE 1949 南南南 南南南 Some people just want to take advantage. 3399 SHORT OF 1944 南贵内 Short of calling the doctor,I don't knowwhat to do. 3402 OVER THE YEARS 1942 青贵南 南南南。 南青者 She has over the years visited many cities. 3406 SWITCH ON 1935 贵者南 南南 南 It's plugged in but it won't switch on. 3417 BY NO MEANS 1925 南者 南南南 南南南 We have by no means concluded the matter. 3431 COULD HARDLY 1911 青者南 南者南 I could hardly wait for the weekend. 3446 COME UP WITH 1898 Is that the best you could come up with? 13 13 3295 BY NOW 2044 * * * * * * * I thought they’d be here by now. 3308 THINK SO 2033 * * * * * Do you think so? 3320 GO AHEAD 2023 * * * * * * Why don’t you go ahead and call him again? 3322 BRING ABOUT 2022 x * * * * * It was expected that he would bring about change. 3323 HAD BETTER 2022 * * * * * * * They had better listen. 3327 IN ACCORDANCE WITH 2017 x * * * * * The plan was execute in accordance with municipal guidelines. 3328 CALL ON 2016 * * * * * He called on his members of staff for advice. 3331 AT TIMES 2014 * * * * * * * * * It can be slightly frustrating at times. 3340 ALL THE WAY 2007 * * * * * * * * * I’m with you all the way. 3349 IN EFFECT 1995 * * * * * * * * In effect it was like being in space. 3355 AFFORD TO 1989 * * * * * * * It’s something you can’t afford to miss. 3357 SIGHT OF 1988 * * * * * * * * I can’t stand the sight of it, to tell you the truth. 3362 IN ADVANCE 1983 * * * * * * * * * It’s something you should do in advance. 3379 ON THE PART OF 1965 * * * * * * * There are no barriers on the part of the government. 3387 BRING UP 1958 * * * * * * * Did you manage to bring up the holiday pay? 3388 TAKE OFF 1957 * * * * * * * I was hungry by the time we took off. 3390 SO AS TO 1954 * * * * * * * * He cluttered his desk so as to appear busy. 3396 TAKE ADVANTAGE 1949 * * * * * * * * * Some people just want to take advantage. 3399 SHORT OF 1944 * * * * * * * Short of calling the doctor, I don’t know what to do. 3402 OVER THE YEARS 1942 * * * * * * * * * She has over the years visited many cities. 3406 SWITCH ON 1935 * * * * * * It’s plugged in but it won’t switch on. 3417 BY NO MEANS 1925 * * * * * * * * We have by no means concluded the matter. 3431 COULD HARDLY 1911 * * * * * * * I could hardly wait for the weekend. 3446 COME UP WITH 1898 * * * * * * Is that the best you could come up with?
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