物理学 5-4电场强度通量高斯定理 第五版 电场强度通量(电通量)( The electric flux) 通过电场中某一个面的电场线数叫做通过这个面 的电场强度通量,简称电通量 The numbers of electric field lines passed through some surface in electric field is called the electric field intensity flux through that surface. The electric flux ◆均匀电场,E垂直平面 Uniform electric field, E is vertical to plane E ①=ES ◆单位Umi):W dN ds 第五章静电场 8/45第五章 静电场 物理学 第五版 5-4 电场强度通量 高斯定理 8/45 二 电场强度通量(电通量)(The electric flux) 通过电场中某一个面的电场线数叫做通过这个面 的电场强度通量,简称电通量。 The numbers of electric field lines passed through some surface in electric field is called the electric field intensity flux through that surface. The electric flux E  S Uniform electric field, E is vertical to plane 均匀电场 ,E 垂直平面 Φe = ES d d N E E S 单位(Unit): Wb = =
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