(3)染色质 he chromatin-极为伸展的核蛋白质丝 (4)核基质 the nuclear matrix-蛋白丝状网络( protein- containing fibrillar network) (5)核液 the nucleoplasm fluid-含有蛋白质,核酸,核苷酸 及无机离子等的胶体溶液,必须指出核液是执行核功 的必不可少的生物化学环境.例如, small molecular nuclear rna( SnRNas),除了v3 SnrNas(U1-U6),均存 在于核液,所形成的 SnRNP在RNA的加工方面起重要作 用核液含有功能尚不清楚的小分子 class ii rna Recent advances in understanding a small GTPase of the Ras super family, Ran have shown that it has a central role in the control of ne dynamics and nuclear transport, as well as mitotic spindle assembly. It was proposed that ran GTP might act as a molecular marker, which distinguishes the nucleoplasm from the cytoplasm(3)染色质the chromatin- 极为伸展的核蛋白质丝. (4) 核基质the nuclear matrix-蛋 白丝状网络(protein￾containing fibrillar network) (5)核液 the nucleoplasm fluid -含有蛋白质,核酸, 核苷酸 及无机离子等的胶体溶液, 必须指出核液是执行核功能 的必不可少的生物化学环境. 例如, small molecular nuclear RNA(snRNAs), 除了v3 snRNAs (U1 -U6 ) ,均存 在于核液, 所形成的snRNP在RNA的加工方面起重要作 用.核液 含有功能尚不清楚的小分子 class III RNA. Recent advances in understanding a small GTPase of the Ras superfamily, Ran have shown that it has a central role in the control of NE dynamics and nuclear transport, as well as mitotic spindle assembly.It was proposed that Ran￾GTP might act as a molecular marker,which distinguishes the nucleoplasm from the cytoplasm
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