Characteristics of Real-Time Operating Systems (实时操作系统的特点) Responsiveness响应性) How long, after acknowledgment, it takes the operating system to service the interrupt (响应时间关注的是:知道中断之后,操作系统为中断提 供的服务时间) ●响应性包括: Includes amount of time to begin execution of the interrupt(包括处理中断并开始执行中断服务例程所需 时间总和) Includes the amount of time to perform the interrupt (包括执行中断服务例程所需要的时间总量)Characteristics of Real-Time Operating Systems (实时操作系统的特点) • Responsiveness(响应性) • How long, after acknowledgment, it takes the operating system to service the interrupt (响应时间关注的是:知道中断之后,操作系统为中断提 供的服务时间) ●响应性包括: – Includes amount of time to begin execution of the interrupt(包括处理中断并开始执行中断服务例程所需 时间总和) – Includes the amount of time to perform the interrupt (包括执行中断服务例程所需要的时间总量)
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