Function Food sources Requirement Energy storage and insulation against cold a cushion for internal organs Animal fat. meat Fat milk production, ≤6y,3-69/kg/d Fats are required for the plant oil, plant >6y,2.59/kg/d absorption of fat-soluble vitamins and for myelination of the cns fatty acid saturated fat: fats of animal origin(except human milk polyunsaturated fat: fats of vegetable originFunction Food sources Requirement Fat Energy storage and insulation against cold, a cushion for internal organs. Fats are required for the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins and for myelination of the CNS Animal fat, meat, milk production, plant oil, plant <6y, 3-6g/kg/d >6y, 2.5g/kg/d Fatty acid saturated fat: fats of animal origin (except human milk) polyunsaturated fat: fats of vegetable origin