先进材料疑固实验室 Situation 3:No diffusion in the solid,normal diffusion in the liquid,no convection. Laboratory of Advanced Materials Solidification Co/Ka The boundary conditions are: ·C=Co/k at x'=0, x 。 CL=Co at x'=c0. 面x 图3-19稳定态时溶质的分布 then::c=-G-1产 c=c(+) anoedMaterialsSol 上浒充通大学 SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITYThe boundary conditions are: • CL=C0/k at x’=0, • CL=C0 at x’ = ∞. then: Situation 3: No diffusion in the solid, normal diffusion in the liquid, no convection