Overview Authors Paper Source Database Method WER T. Fukada. Y. Sagisaka Automatic generation of a pronunciation dictionary based Japanese AnN 75.54% (ATR, Japan) on a pronunciation network( EuroSpeech97) Prediction 6744% M-K LIu Bo Xu Mandarin accent adaptation based on CI/cD Shangha Confusion 45.13% (NLPR, China) pronunciation modeling(ICASSP2000) Accent(Intel MatrIx 40.24% M Saraclar(CLSP, JHU) Pronunciation modeling by sharing Gaussian densities Switchboard Gaussian 50.10% H Nock(CUED, Cam, UK)I across phonetic models(EuroSpeech99) 48.70% K Ma, G. Zavaliagkos Pronunciation modeling for large vocabulary Switchboard 5460% (GTE /BBN, USA) conversational speech recognit ion(ICSLP'98) Callhome 5349% M. Riley(AT&T Labs) Stochastic pronunciation modelling from hand-labelled TIMIT+ICSIDecision 44.66% W. Byrne(CLSP, JHU) phonetic corpora(Speech Communicaion, 1999(29) Tree 44.05% D. Povey, P.C. Wooland Improved discriminative training techniques for large Discriminant.60% ( CUED, Cambridge, UK) vocabulary continuous speech recognit ion(ICASSP'2001) Switchboard Training 44.30% T Hain P C Woodland New features in the cu-htk system for transcription of NIST Hubs VTLN 5160% CUED, Cambridge, UK) conversational telephone speech(ICASSP 2001) (Telephone) MMIE 4700% Center of speech Technology, Tsinghua University Slide 3Center of Speech Technology, Tsinghua University Slide 3 Overview Authors Paper Source Database Method WER T. Fukada, Y. Sagisaka (ATR, Japan) Automatic generation of a pronunciation dictionary based on a pronunciation network (EuroSpeech’97) Japanese Spontaneous ANN Prediction 75.54 % 67.44 % M-K Liu, Bo Xu (NLPR, China) Mandarin accent adaptation based on CI/CD pronunciation modeling (ICASSP’2000) Shanghai Accent (Intel) Confusion Matrix 45.13 % 40.24 % M. Saraclar (CLSP, JHU) H. Nock (CUED, Cam., UK) Pronunciation modeling by sharing Gaussian densities across phonetic models (EuroSpeech’99) Switchboard Gaussian Sharing 50.10 % 48.70 % K. Ma, G. Zavaliagkos (GTE / BBN, USA) Pronunciation modeling for large vocabulary conversational speech recognition (ICSLP’98) Switchboard Callhome Lexical Adaptation 54.60 % 53.49 % M. Riley (AT&T Labs) W. Byrne (CLSP, JHU) Stochastic pronunciation modelling from hand-labelled phonetic corpora (Speech Communicaion, 1999 (29)) TIMIT + ICSI Decision Tree 44.66 % 44.05 % D. Povey, P.C. Wooland (CUED, Cambridge, UK) Improved discriminative training techniques for large vocabulary continuous speech recognition (ICASSP’2001) NAB, Switchboard Discriminant Training 46.60 % 44.30 % T. Hain, P.C. Woodland (CUED, Cambridge, UK) New features in the cu-htk system for transcription of conversational telephone speech (ICASSP’2001) NIST Hub5E (Telephone) VTLN MMIE 51.60 % 47.00 %
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