+y Chapter 3 Network Architetures and standarts 3. 3 why have network architectures? 1.commUnicationsystemwerebecomingtoo compleX 2. wanted to be isolated from the complexities of the network 3. Wanted to connect different types of devices to the network 4. Distributed processing and client-server processing became practical 5. Network needed to be managed network Management and operation www.gxmu.edu.cnNetwork Management and Operation www.gxmu.edu.cn 3.3 why have network architectures? 1.Communication system were becoming too complex. 2. wanted to be isolated from the complexities of the network. 3.Wanted to connect different types of devices to the network. 4.Distributed processing and client-server processing became practical. 5.Network needed to be managed. Chapter 3 Network Architetures and Standarts
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