模拟试题[2] Simulated test Part I Structure and Vocabulary Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences, there are four choices marked A, B,C and D)Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.(5 points) 1. They must have been enjoying themselves there, or they so long C)needn't have stayed D)couldn't stay No two people can be half an hour together one shall gain an evident superiority over the other A)but B) 3. By the time you arrive home, I for several hours, so please don t make a noise when A)shall be sleeping B)shall have slept C)shall sleep D)shall have been sleeping 4. Just as no two words are truly synonyms no two different expressions, or ways A) B D)therefore 5. One should never lose one s heart when with temporary difficulties. B)confronted模拟试题[2] Simulated Test [PREVIOUS] [NEXT] Part I Structure and Vocabulary Section A Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences,there are four choices marked A,B,C and D)Choose the one that best completes the sentence.Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.(5 points) 1. They must have been enjoying themselves there,or they _____ so long. A)can't have stayed B)wouldn't have stayed C)needn't have stayed D)couldn't stay 2. No two people can be half an hour together _____ one shall gain an evident superiority over the other. A)but B)when C)if D)because 3. By the time you arrive home,I _____ for several hours,so please don't make a noise when you come in. A)shall be sleeping B)shall have slept C)shall sleep D)shall have been sleeping 4. Just as no two words are truly synonoyms, _____ no two different expressions,or ways of expressions,can mean exactly the same thing. A)so B)as C)that D)therefore 5. One should never lose one's heart when _____ with temporary difficulties. A)being confronted B)confronted
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