vaccine[5vAks:nad疫苗的,牛痘的n疫苗A vaccine prepared from the cowpox virus and inoculated against smallpox eradicate[5 Adikeit v根除 To get rid of as if by tearing up by the roots barbarian[bB:5 bZEriEn n粗鲁无礼的人,野蛮 人adj野蛮的,粗鲁的 A fierce, brutal, or cruel person defile[di5 fail Iv染污n.隘路 To make filthy or dirty; pollute pregnant[5pre^nEnt]adj怀孕的,重要的,富有 意义的,孕育的 Carrying developing offspring within the body. vaccine [ 5vAksi:n ]adj.疫苗的, 牛痘的n.疫苗A vaccine prepared from the cowpox virus and inoculated against smallpox.  eradicate [ i5rAdikeit ]v.根除 To get rid of as if by tearing up by the roots:  barbarian[ bB:5bZEriEn ]n.粗鲁无礼的人, 野蛮 人adj.野蛮的, 粗鲁的A fierce, brutal, or cruel person.  defile[ di5fail ]v.染污n.隘路 To make filthy or dirty; pollute:  pregnant [ 5pre^nEnt ]adj.怀孕的, 重要的, 富有 意义的, 孕育的 Carrying developing offspring within the body
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