Worked Example 18.2 Predicting the Product of a Hofmann Elimination Strategy The Hofmann elimination is an E2 reaction that converts an amine into an alkene and occurs with non-Zaitsev regiochemistry to form the least highly substituted double bond.Look at the reactant and identify the positions from which elimination might occur(the positions two carbons removed from nitrogen).Carry out the elimination using the most accessible hydrogen.In the present instance,the primary(1)position is the most accessible and leads to the least highly substituted alkene,ethylene.Strategy The Hofmann elimination is an E2 reaction that converts an amine into an alkene and occurs with non-Zaitsev regiochemistry to form the least highly substituted double bond. Look at the reactant and identify the positions from which elimination might occur (the positions two carbons removed from nitrogen). Carry out the elimination using the most accessible hydrogen. In the present instance, the primary (1o ) position is the most accessible and leads to the least highly substituted alkene, ethylene. Worked Example 18.2 Predicting the Product of a Hofmann Elimination
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