Some useful results Discrete-Time Signals and Systems--Digital Signal Processing x.m)=2m)+(-n x,m)=)[xm)-(-n] Function [xe,x0,m]evenodd(x,n) If any(imag(x)~=0) error('x is not a real sequence'); End m =-fliplr(n); m1 min([m,n]);m2 max([m,n]);m=m1:m2; nm n(1)-m(1);n1 1:length(n); x1 zeros(1,length(m));x1(n1+nm)=x;x=x1; xe =0.5 *(x flipflr(x)); xo 0.5*(x fliplr(x)); 上浒充通大粤Some useful results Discrete-Time Signals and Systems —— Digital Signal Processing [ ( ) ( )] 2 1 ( ) [ ( ) ( )] 2 1 ( ) x n x n x n x n x n x n o e       Function [xe, x0, m] = evenodd(x,n) If any(imag(x) ~= 0) error(‘x is not a real sequence’); End m = -fliplr(n); m1 = min([m,n]); m2 = max([m,n]); m=m1:m2; nm = n(1)-m(1); n1 = 1:length(n); x1 = zeros(1, length(m)); x1(n1+nm) = x; x = x1; xe = 0.5 * (x + flipflr(x)); xo = 0.5*(x - fliplr(x));
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