Subjects to Avoid There are certain things which it is considered bad manners in Western countries to talk about in society.It is very important to know these and avoid them. avoid,t.避免,预防,避开(后面可接动名词 The subjects 作宾语) I think he is avoiding me to be avoided are:bodily functions,or 我觉得她在躲着我 anything connected with the more private She avoided answering my questions. parts of the body,details of birth,details 她对我的问题避而不答 connect......with. of unpleasant illnesses;income or salary (1) 把.和联系起来 of friends,or prices of their possessions; They did not at first connect him with the the age of the person one is talking with; murder. personal questions or remarks,such as, 起初他们没有把他与这起谋杀案联系起来 (2) 给..接通电话 "Why don't you get married?"or"I Hold on.I'll just connect you with Miss Jones. should think you would want to have 请别放下电话,我这就给你接通琼斯的电话 some children."Some of these are allowed in Chinese society,but they are all taboo in formal Western society.Subjects to Avoid There are certain things which it is considered bad manners in Western countries to talk about in society. It is very important to know these and avoid them. The subjects to be avoided are: bodily functions, or anything connected with the more private parts of the body, details of birth, details of unpleasant illnesses; income or salary of friends, or prices of their possessions; the age of the person one is talking with; personal questions or remarks, such as, “Why don’t you get married?” or “I should think you would want to have some children.” Some of these are allowed in Chinese society, but they are all taboo in formal Western society. avoid , vt. 避免,预防,避开(后面可接动名词 作宾语) I think he is avoiding me . 我觉得她在躲着我. She avoided answering my questions. 她对我的问题避而不答. connect……with….. (1) 把….和….联系起来 They did not at first connect him with the murder. 起初他们没有把他与这起谋杀案联系起来. (2) 给…..接通电话. Hold on . I’ll just connect you with Miss Jones. 请别放下电话,我这就给你接通琼斯的电话
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