教 案 授课专业及层 课程名称 英语听力Ⅱ 2012级英语本科2班 次 授课内容 Unit 12 Dietation 学时数 2 教学目的 Practicing dictations 重点 Some difficult expressions 难点 Some new words 自学内容 Family Album 使用教具 Multi-media 相关学科知 English and American culture 识 教学法Listening,discussion,.presentation,.and Explanation 讲授内容纲要、要求及时间分配 Unit 12 Dictation In this unit,you will hear 3 passages for dictation.Each item will be presented three times.Write downevery word you hear. Passage 1 Will Computers Replace Human Beings? 30min We are in the computer age today.The computers are working all kinds of wonders now.They are very useful in automatic control and data processing.At the same time.computers are finding their way into the home.They seem to be so clever and can solve such complicated problems that some people think sooner or later they will replace us. But I do not think that there is such a possibility.My reason is very simple:computers are machines,not humans.And our tasks are far too various and complicated for any one single kind of machine to perform. 教 案 课程名称 英语听力Ⅱ 授课专业及层 次 2012 级英语本科 2 班 授课内容 Unit 12 Dictation 学时数 2 教学目的 Practicing dictations 重 点 Some difficult expressions 难 点 Some new words 自学内容 Family Album 使用教具 Multi-media 相关学科知 识 English and American culture 教 学 法 Listening, discussion, presentation, and Explanation 讲授内容纲要、要求及时间分配 Unit 12 Dictation In this unit, you will hear 3 passages for dictation. Each item will be presented three times. Write down every word you hear. Passage 1 Will Computers Replace Human Beings? We are in the computer age today. The computers are working all kinds of wonders now. They are very useful in automatic control and data processing. At the same time, computers are finding their way into the home. They seem to be so clever and can solve such complicated problems that some people think sooner or later they will replace us. But I do not think that there is such a possibility. My reason is very simple: computers are machines, not humans. And our tasks are far too various and complicated for any one single kind of machine to perform. 30 min
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