群的意义不仅在于编码 Cosets (00000 (01101) (10011)(11110 10000)+C 10000) (11101 00011)(01110 解码时总是用陪集中权最小的 01000+C (01000)(00101) (11011)(10110 00100)+C (00100)(01001)(10111)(11010 元素,即coset leader。这正体 00010)+C (00010)(01111)(10001))(11100 现了“最大近似解码”原侧。 00001)+C (00001))(01100)(10010)(11111 10100)+C (00111)(01010)(10100)(11001 00110)+C (00110)(01011)(10101)(11000 Example 19.In Table 8.5,notice that we have chosen a representative of the least possible weight for each coset.These representatives are coset leaders.Now suppose that r=(01111)is the received word.To decoder, we find that it is in the coset (00010)+C;hence,the originally transmitted codeword must have been (01101)=(01111)+(00010)群的意义不仅在于编码 解码时总是用陪集中权最小的 元素,即coset leader。这正体 现了“最大近似解码”原则