ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This is truly a textbook that reunites an old team with to find each other then;we know now we were blessed some long-t rm colleagues, ces a sub with an exciting intellectual partnership and profes. stantial nu of new ted to christie Hart for encouragin to undertake a third edition.While the response to the of geriatric physical therapist practice had of collab he team at orative practice in g geriatric physical therapy.As it hap Ultimately,we recognize that whatever we might out geriatric physical therapy is the summation is,a prot the tists,clinicians Du EEA品 aryb Andrew A.Guccione,T DT uted he expert thex CHAPTER 12 Chapter Title Goes Here x A C K N O W L E D G M E N T S This is truly a textbook that reunites an old team with some long-term colleagues, but also introduces a sub￾stantial number of new contributors that allows us to appreciate the vitality of geriatric physical therapy and the profession itself. Their vibrant contributions, joined with cutting-edge expertise, have expanded the horizons of this text and enriched us as professionals committed to practice with older adults. The editorial team exemplifies the essence of collab￾orative practice in geriatric physical therapy. As it hap￾pens, we had worked together before on what was, and still is, a professional career highlight for all of us: the development of the geriatric specialty examination. Dur￾ing that venture, our special contributor and friend, Marybeth Brown, was a full member of the team. For this venture, our “silent” partner in developing the ex￾amination, Dale Avers, switched places with Marybeth, taking the on-stage role while Marybeth contributed her singular expertise from the wings. It seemed fortuitous to find each other then; we know now we were blessed with an exciting intellectual partnership and profes￾sional friendship. We are indebted to Christie Hart for encouraging us to undertake a third edition. While the response to the previous editions was very positive, we knew the scope of geriatric physical therapist practice had evolved sub￾stantially necessitating a global revision. The team at Mosby/Elsevier has supported us each step of the way. Ultimately, we recognize that whatever we might know about geriatric physical therapy is the summation of countless interactions with scientists, clinicians, edu￾cators and students, but most of all our patients. It is in recognition of their primary role in teaching us as well as our families in supporting us that this work is dedicated. Andrew A. Guccione, PT, PhD, DPT, FAPTA Rita A. Wong, EdD, PT Dale Avers, PT, DPT, PhD
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