3558 Journal of the American Ceramic Society--Kaur et al VoL 90. No lI VI. Conclusions D. B. Marshall and M. V Swain, Crack Resistance Curves in Magnesia- Partially-Stabilized Zirconia, J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 71. 399-404(1988). 1. The interaction between crack-driving force and crack ce Curves of surface growth resistance can be depicted on a crack-stability map that plots normalized transition crack lengths for stable and unstable CR田 handran.ly chao anddk s8C or and flaw crack growths for a toughened ceramic as a function of the ratio (1993) ensitivity of Ce-TZP/Al O3 Composite, J. Am. Ceran. Soc., 76. 961-9 of the crack-initiation toughness and the plateau tough eR M. MeMeeking and A. G. Evans, "Mechanisms of Transformation Tough- 2. For the R curve described by the empirical exponential ening in Brittle Materials. " J. Am. Ceran. Soc., 65, 242-6(1982) function, stable crack growth is encountered when Ko/ko< 0.197 R-Curve) Behavior of Toughened Alumina and Silicon Nitride, " J. Am. Ceram. of crack lengths for toughened ceramics that satisfy the condi tion Ko/K <0. 197 when they exhibit the exponential R-curve 41 Small Elliptical Surface Cracks in Finite-Thickness Plates, Eng. Fract. Mech., 11, behavior 4. All ceramics with an R-curve behavior exhibit an in- IL. S. Raju and J. C. Newman Jr,"An Empirical Stress-Intensity Factor creased Weibull modulus as compared with ceramics with flat qmi K aw thar S and M. Kur an. "Fatigue crack rowth (ri a surface A truly flaw-insensitive strength can be expected only for (1978) Flaw, " Adv. Res. Strength Fract. Mater, Int. Conf. Fract, 4th, 1977. 2. 1361-72 those ceramics that exhibit stable crack growth due to rising J. Alcala and M. Anglada, "Indentation Precracking of Y-TZP: Implications ack-growth resistance to r-Curves and su Mat.Sc.Eg,A245,267-76 Kendall, N. MeN. Alford. S. R. Tan, and J D Toughness on Weibull Modulus of Ceramic Bend Stren 中 R. F. Cook and D. R. Clarke. "Fracture Stability. R-Curves and Strength D. Munz. "What Can We Learn from R-Curve Measurements. J. Am. Ceram. Variability. "Acta Metall. 36, 555-62(1988). ID. K Shetty and J S. Wang,""Crack Stability and Strength Distribution of -D. B. Marshall. ""Strength Characteristics of Transformation-Toughened Ceramics That Exhibit Rising Crack-Growth-Resistance (R-Curve) Behavior Zirconia, J. Am. Ceran. Soc., 69, 173-80(1986 J.Am.Cera.Soc,72.11s862(1989)VI. Conclusions 1. The interaction between crack-driving force and crack￾growth resistance can be depicted on a crack-stability map that plots normalized transition crack lengths for stable and unstable crack growths for a toughened ceramic as a function of the ratio of the crack-initiation toughness and the plateau toughness. 2. For the R curve described by the empirical exponential function, stable crack growth is encountered when K0/KNo 0.197. 3. A flaw-insensitive fracture stress is expected over a range of crack lengths for toughened ceramics that satisfy the condi￾tion K0/KNo0.197 when they exhibit the exponential R-curve behavior. 4. All ceramics with an R-curve behavior exhibit an in￾creased Weibull modulus as compared with ceramics with flat crack-growth resistance. 5. A truly flaw-insensitive strength can be expected only for those ceramics that exhibit stable crack growth due to rising crack-growth resistance. References 1 D. Munz, ‘‘What Can We Learn from R-Curve Measurements,’’ J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 90, 1–15 (2007). 2 D. B. Marshall, ‘‘Strength Characteristics of Transformation-Toughened Zirconia,’’ J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 69, 173–80 (1986). 3 D. B. Marshall and M. V. Swain, ‘‘Crack Resistance Curves in Magnesia– Partially-Stabilized Zirconia,’’ J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 71, 399–404 (1988). 4 R. W. Steinbrech and O. Schmenkel, ‘‘Crack-Resistance Curves of Surface Cracks in Alumina,’’ J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 71, C-271–3 (1988). 5 N. 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