Organs of speech. 1.上唇 Upper lip 2 23 Lower lip 2 上 Upper teeth 9 3 4.下齿 Lower teeth .上齿龈Upper teeth ridge 6.硬腭Hard palate 7.软腭 Soft palate 8.小舌 the uvula 9.舌端 The tip of the tongue 10.舌前 The front of the tongue 2 15 11.舌后 The back of the tongue 12.喉头throat 13. the vocal cords 3 声带 14.器官 organs 15.咽头 the pharynx 19 16.▣腔the mouth cavity 17.鼻腔the nasal cavity Organs of speech. 1. 上唇 Upper lip 2. 下唇 Lower lip 3. 上齿 Upper teeth 4. 下齿 Lower teeth 5. 上齿龈 Upper teeth ridge 6. 硬腭 Hard palate 7. 软腭 Soft palate 8. 小舌 the uvula 9. 舌端 The tip of the tongue 10. 舌前 The front of the tongue 11. 舌后 The back of the tongue 12. 喉头 throat 13. 声带 the vocal cords 14. 器官 organs 15. 咽头 the pharynx 16. 口腔 the mouth cavity 17. 鼻腔 the nasal cavity
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