Teaching Plan Conte Further Reading Assignment Description Week 1 3.02 Introduction to the Course i Read"Toulmin's Theory" Week 2 3.09 Argument& Argumentation Read"Fallacies of Evidence, Reasoning, Language:: Analyze an argument by using Toulmin's Theory Types of Reasoning", Argumentation and Debate Toulmin's Theory Week 3 3.16 Obstacles to Clear Thinking Read"Speaking to Persuade", AP Week 4 3.23 Speaking to Persuade Handouts at elearning Week 5 3.30Debating formats and Read Justice: What's the Right Thing to Do by Adjudication Michael Sandel( Biweek reading assignment Week6406 First Debate&Adjudication Topic selection and outline L Week 7 4.13 First Principles First debate Week84.20Motion Analysis Week9 4.27 First Talk on Term Research Week 10 5.04 Discussion Liberalism Common good Week 11 5.11 Second Debate Adjudication Second debate Week 12 5.18 Questions of Policy, Value, and Questions/Propositions of policy, value, and fact Week 13 5.25 Second Talk on Term Research porting materia I Week 14 6.01 Third Debate& Adjudication Read Stakeholder Analysis Third debate Week.08 Stakeholder Analysis Week 16 6.15 Final Exam(Presentation of term Individual work: 8-10 minute research) presentation ote: This plan is susceptible to changes with different instructors considering ongoing adaptations to students, class progress, holidays, etc.Teaching Plan: Week Content Further Reading Assignment Description Week 1 3.02 Introduction to the Course Read “Toulmin’s Theory” Week 2 3.09 Argument & Argumentation Toulmin’s Theory Read “Fallacies of Evidence, Reasoning, Language; Types of Reasoning”, Argumentation and Debate Analyze an argument by using Toulmin’s Theory Week 3 3.16 Obstacles to Clear Thinking Read “Speaking to Persuade”, APS Week 4 3.23 Speaking to Persuade Handouts at elearning Week 5 3.30 Debating Formats and Adjudication Read Justice: What’s the Right Thing to Do by Michael Sandel (Biweek reading assignment) Week 6 4.06 First Debate & Adjudication Topic selection and outline Week 7 4.13 First Principles First debate Week 8 4.20 Motion Analysis Week 9 4.27 First Talk on Term Research Week 10 5.04 Discussion: Liberalism vs Common Good Week 11 5.11 Second Debate & Adjudication Second debate Week 12 5.18 Questions of Policy, Value, and Fact Questions/Propositions of policy, value, and fact Week 13 5.25 Second Talk on Term Research Supporting materials, reasoning model Week 14 6.01 Third Debate & Adjudication Read Stakeholder Analysis Third debate Week 15 6.08 Stakeholder Analysis Week 16 6.15 Final Exam (Presentation of term research) Individual work; 8-10 minute presentation Note: This plan is susceptible to changes with different instructors considering ongoing adaptations to students, class progress, holidays, etc
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