辐射剂量 lonising radiation -Protection Dose quantities in Sl units Effective dose 个 。=。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 A∥parts of body Whole body dose to all uniformly irradiated tissue =E W=1 ”””””””” Quantity Absorbed dose Wr Equivalent dose .o W Di Organ dose to tissue T H W Organ dose to tissue T =E Only some parts of body irradiated: Organ dose to tissue T tissues T1,T2,T3.ete SI unit or modifier gray(Gy) Radiation weighting sievert(Sv) Tissue weighting sievert(Sv) Factor-Wa factor-W Derivation joule/kg Dimensionless factor joule/kg Dimensionless factor joule/kg Biological effect of Biological effect on tissue type T having Meaning Energy absorbed by weighting factor W Irradiated sample of radiation type R with Partial irradiation matter-a physical weighting factor Wa. Effective dose=summation of organ doses quantity. to those parts irradiated Multiple radiation types Complete(uniform)irradiation require calculation for each, If whole body irradiated uniformly,the which are then summated. weightings Wsummate to 1.Therefore, Effective dose Whole body Equlvalent dose erg erg.g-1 1950 1.0×10-4Gy Absorbed dose(D) rad rad 100 erg-g-1 1953 0.010Gy gray Gy J.kg-1 1974 SI rontgen equivalent man rem 100 erg-g-1 1971 0.010Sv Dose equivalent(H) sievert Sv Jkg1×WR 1977 SI eering材料科学与工程学院 School of Materials Science and Engineering 辐射剂量