Entity Sets customer and loan customer id customer customer customer_ loan amount name street city number 321-12-3123 ones Main Harrison L-17 1000 019-28-3746 Smith North Rye L-23 2000 677-89-9011 Hayes Main Harrison L-15 1500 555-55-5555 Jackson Dupont Woodside L-14 1500 244-66-8800 Curry North Rye L-19 500 963-96-3963 Williams Nassau Princeton L-11 900 335-57-7991 Adams Spring Pittsfield L-16 1300 customer loan Database System Concepts-5th Edition,Oct 5,2006 6.4 @Silberschatz,Korth and SudarshanDatabase System Concepts - 5 6.4 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan th Edition, Oct 5, 2006 Entity Sets customer and loan customer_id customer_ customer_ customer_ loan_ amount name street city number