CS106A Handout #36 Summer 2003 Aug7,2003 Practice Final Exam Schedule next week:Regular lectures Monday,August 11 and Tuesday,August 12; Battleship due on Wednesday,August 13 by 11am (one late day max may be used)-late assignments to box at Gates 160. Review session: TBA-Wednesday,August 13 or Thursday,August 14 at 11am Scheduled final: Friday,August 15,8:30-11:30AM,Location:TBA Check the class web site frequently for announcements! This handout is intended to give you practice solving problems that are comparable in format and difficulty to those which will appear on the final examination.A solution set to this practice examination will be available on next week. General instructions The instructions that will be used for the actual final look like this: Answer each of the questions given below.Write all of your answers directly on the examination paper,including any work that you wish to be considered for partial credit. Each question is marked with the number of points assigned to that problem.The total number of points is 100.We intend that the number of points be roughly comparable to the number of minutes you should spend on that problem.This leaves you with 80 minutes to check your work or to recover from false starts. In all questions,you may include functions or definitions that have been developed in the course,either by writing the #include line for the appropriate interface(if there is one) or by giving the name of the function and the handout number in which its definition appears.For example,if you write #include "strlib.h" in your answer,you can then use any of the functions implemented in strlib.c. The examination is open-book,and you may make use of any texts,handouts,or course notes.You may not,however,use a computer of any kind.CS106A Handout #36 Summer 2003 Aug 7, 2003 Practice Final Exam Schedule next week: Regular lectures Monday, August 11 and Tuesday, August 12; Battleship due on Wednesday, August 13 by 11am (one late day max may be used) – late assignments to box at Gates 160. Review session: TBA – Wednesday, August 13 or Thursday, August 14 at 11am Scheduled final: Friday, August 15, 8:30-11:30AM, Location: TBA Check the class web site frequently for announcements! This handout is intended to give you practice solving problems that are comparable in format and difficulty to those which will appear on the final examination. A solution set to this practice examination will be available on next week. General instructions The instructions that will be used for the actual final look like this: Answer each of the questions given below. Write all of your answers directly on the examination paper, including any work that you wish to be considered for partial credit. Each question is marked with the number of points assigned to that problem. The total number of points is 100. We intend that the number of points be roughly comparable to the number of minutes you should spend on that problem. This leaves you with 80 minutes to check your work or to recover from false starts. In all questions, you may include functions or definitions that have been developed in the course, either by writing the #include line for the appropriate interface (if there is one) or by giving the name of the function and the handout number in which its definition appears. For example, if you write #include "strlib.h" in your answer, you can then use any of the functions implemented in strlib.c. The examination is open-book, and you may make use of any texts, handouts, or course notes. You may not, however, use a computer of any kind
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