the door or fixing his own drink.For persons in many other societies,including at least this English host,such guest behavior is presumptuous or rude. In analyzing apparent problems of communication across cultures,it is all too tempting to look first for difficulties posed by language misinterpretation or assume some nonverbal indiscretion.But we have tried to suggest through these brief discussions of Richard's problems that the misunderstanding or misbehavior more likely resides elsewhere,in the subtler but consistent cultural patterns of behavior that become understandable when we appreciate difference in cultural values.Thus what we first need,in attempting to analyze any such situation,is not necessarily more language skill or more information about a particular culture,but rather an openness to alternatives to our own conventional behavior.If we appreciate the logic of our own actions,we can more quickly imagine alternative equally consistent with other values.the door or fixing his own drink. For persons in many other societies, including at least this English host, such guest behavior is presumptuous or rude. In analyzing apparent problems of communication across cultures, it is all too tempting to look first for difficulties posed by language misinterpretation or assume some nonverbal indiscretion. But we have tried to suggest through these brief discussions of Richard’s problems that the misunderstanding or misbehavior more likely resides elsewhere, in the subtler but consistent cultural patterns of behavior that become understandable when we appreciate difference in cultural values. Thus what we first need, in attempting to analyze any such situation, is not necessarily more language skill or more information about a particular culture, but rather an openness to alternatives to our own conventional behavior. If we appreciate the logic of our own actions, we can more quickly imagine alternative equally consistent with other values