莲 制卧份贸易本考 银行管理学 对外经济贸易大学 2003一2004学年第二学期 《银行管理学》期末考试试卷(A卷) 课程代码及课序号:CUR302一1 学号: 姓名: 班级: 成绩: Note:This is a bilingual examination.You can answer in either English or Chinese. You can even answer part of one question in English and the rest in Chinese.If you answer ALL the questions ALL in English,you will get a bonus of 3 points. 为双语考试试卷,可用英文回答,也可用中文回答,也可部分英文、部分中文: 如全部使用英文回答,可获得3分的额外奖励。) Part I.Required questions:You are required to answer all of the following questions.(第一部分:必答题。合计50分)The following are the balance sheet data (on Dec.31,2003)and income statement data(fore the year of 2003)for ABC Bank. 以下数据是ABC银行2003年12月31日的资产负债表数据和2003年度的损益 表数据。 l)Workout a balance sheet and income statement for the ABC Bank。(20分)编制 ABC银行的资产负债表和损益表。 2)Translate all items into Chinese(l0分)将所有项目翻译成中文(直接翻译在 题中所列项目的后面)。 3)Calculate the following ratios (please indicate all detailed steps and formulas 8 分);explain each ratio briefly(8分);explain the main relationship between these ratios,and use the calculated results to prove these relationship(4分)。计算t如下 比例(请列明详细步骤和公式):简要解释每个比例:说明这些比例之间的主 要关系,并运用计算结果证明这种关系。计算时,请运用期末值代替平均值: 精确到小数点后一位。 a)ROE b)ROA c)Equity Multiplier d)Expense Ratio e)Asset Utilization Ration ) Spread g) Burden Ratio h)Efficiency Ratio 第1页共3页银行管理学 对外经济贸易大学 2003─2004学年第二学期 《银行管理学》期末考试试卷(A卷) 课程代码及课序号:CUR302-1 学号: 姓名: 班级: 成绩: Note: This is a bilingual examination. You can answer in either English or Chinese. You can even answer part of one question in English and the rest in Chinese. If you answer ALL the questions ALL in English, you will get a bonus of 3 points. (本试卷 为双语考试试卷,可用英文回答,也可用中文回答,也可部分英文、部分中文; 如全部使用英文回答,可获得 3 分的额外奖励。) Part I. Required questions: You are required to answer all of the following questions..(第一部分:必答题。合计 50 分)The following are the balance sheet data (on Dec. 31, 2003) and income statement data (fore the year of 2003) for ABC Bank. 以下数据是 ABC 银行 2003 年 12 月 31 日的资产负债表数据和 2003 年度的损益 表数据。 1) Workout a balance sheet and income statement for the ABC Bank。(20 分)编制 ABC 银行的资产负债表和损益表。 2) Translate all items into Chinese(10 分)将所有项目翻译成中文(直接翻译在 题中所列项目的后面)。 3) Calculate the following ratios (please indicate all detailed steps and formulas 8 分); explain each ratio briefly(8 分); explain the main relationship between these ratios, and use the calculated results to prove these relationship(4 分)。计算如下 比例(请列明详细步骤和公式);简要解释每个比例;说明这些比例之间的主 要关系,并运用计算结果证明这种关系。计算时,请运用期末值代替平均值; 精确到小数点后一位。 a) ROE b) ROA c) Equity Multiplier d) Expense Ratio e) Asset Utilization Ration f) Spread g) Burden Ratio h) Efficiency Ratio 第 1 页 共 3 页