Translation(English to Chinese) 1. I was greatly impressed by its natural beauty when I took a study tour there two years ago 两年前,我在那里做过野外考查,那里的自然风光给我印象极深 2. He peered at Herbert intently through thick spectacles 他透过厚厚的眼睛凝视着赫伯特 3. He managed to thumb a ride back home 他设法拦车返回家 4.As a matter of fact, he had asked the neighbour to keep an eye on the house while he was gone 实际上,他请邻居在他离家时帮忙照看房子 5. But just a he was about to hurl his briefcase into the window to break it, two of the police officers grabbed him from behind 但正当他准备用公文包砸向窗户打破它时,两位警官从后面抓住了他 Unit 2 6. Summer is always a busy tourist season for resorts like mountains and beaches 山区和海滨胜地夏天总是旅游旺季。 7. Constant dripping wears away a stone 水滴石穿,绳锯木断 8. She looked at me as if I had slapped her face 她看着我,好象我掴了她一记耳光 9. I just feel it's time I saw a little more of the world. 我只是觉得到了我应该更多地看看世界的时候了 10. I wondered if i could stand up to it 我不知道我是否顶得住。 Unit 3 11. It's a new campus, very peaceful, and free from the hustle and bustle of a metropolis 它是新校园,很安静,远离都市的尘嚣 12. A vast range of magazines are published, aimed at readers interest in all sorts of subjects 大量的杂志也同样发行,面向兴趣广泛的读者 13. Of course, much of a newspaper's income comes from advertisements 当然,报纸的大部分收入来自广告。 14. They need a large circulation to support such a staff, dont they 这需要很大的报纸发行量来支付这些工作人员的薪水,对吗 15. It seems to me that newspapers would be more pleasant to read if they had a large society and more comic strip 对我来说报纸如果有更广的社会部分和更多的连环漫画,读起来似乎更开心Translation (English to Chinese) Unit 1 1. I was greatly impressed by its natural beauty when I took a study tour there two years ago. 两年前,我在那里做过野外考查,那里的自然风光给我印象极深。 2. He peered at Herbert intently through thick spectacles. 他透过厚厚的眼睛凝视着赫伯特。 3. He managed to thumb a ride back home. 他设法拦车返回家。 4. As a matter of fact, he had asked the neighbour to keep an eye on the house while he was gone. 实际上,他请邻居在他离家时帮忙照看房子。 5. But just a he was about to hurl his briefcase into the window to break it, two of the police officers grabbed him from behind. 但正当他准备用公文包砸向窗户打破它时,两位警官从后面抓住了他。 Unit 2 6. Summer is always a busy tourist season for resorts like mountains and beaches. 山区和海滨胜地夏天总是旅游旺季。 7. Constant dripping wears away a stone. 水滴石穿,绳锯木断。 8. She looked at me as if I had slapped her face. 她看着我,好象我掴了她一记耳光。 9. I just feel it’s time I saw a little more of the world. 我只是觉得到了我应该更多地看看世界的时候了. 10. I wondered if I could stand up to it. 我不知道我是否顶得住。 Unit 3 11. It’s a new campus, very peaceful, and free from the hustle and bustle of a metropolis. 它是新校园,很安静,远离都市的尘嚣。 12. A vast range of magazines are published, aimed at readers interest in all sorts of subjects. 大量的杂志也同样发行,面向兴趣广泛的读者。 13. Of course, much of a newspaper’s income comes from advertisements. 当然,报纸的大部分收入来自广告。 14. They need a large circulation to support such a staff, don’t they? 这需要很大的报纸发行量来支付这些工作人员的薪水,对吗? 15. It seems to me that newspapers would be more pleasant to read if they had a large society and more comic strips. 对我来说报纸如果有更广的社会部分和更多的连环漫画,读起来似乎更开心
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