私立华联学院试题纸 2018 一2019学年度第二学期(C卷) 考试形式:闭卷 课程名称英语国家概况任课教师朱小伦黎晓霖 教研室主任签字 系(部)主任签字 学号 考生姓名 系别外语系班级 题号一二三四五六七八九十总分 得分 I.Fill in the blanks with proper words (3%each.Total:30%). 1)We can divide the US economy into three sectors:the sector,thesector, and the government sector 2)The economic system of the United States is known as 3)Formal education in the United States consists of and education. 4)The minorities in the United States include the among which the _are the most numerous 5)The U.S.Government is composed of three branches.They are and 6)"All men are created equal"is from the document called 7)The Supreme Court is composed of_ Justices who are appointed for life by with the consent of 8)The judicial branch is composed of three tiers:the Supreme Court created by the US Constitution,11 and91」 created by the Congress.The Supreme Court is ggeomcsaisaiewoah.pmdncegmsy】 of the total world output,while containing only about of the total world population 10)The development of the American economy has experienced three stages: capitalism,industrial capitalism and capitalism or imperialism II.Choose the correct answer3%each.Total:30%) 1)The first blacks were brought to North America as_ A.servants B.slaves C.farmers D.teachers 英语国家搁况课程C卷第1页(共4页】 英语国家概况课程 C 卷 第 1 页 (共 4 页) 私 立 华 联 学 院 试 题 纸 20 18___——20 19___学年度 第__二___学期(C 卷) 考试形式:闭卷 课程名称 英语国家概况 任课教师 朱小伦 黎晓霖 教研室主任签字 系(部)主任签字 学号 考生姓名 系别 外语系 班级 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 总 分 得分 I.Fill in the blanks with proper words (3% each. Total: 30%). 1)We can divide the US economy into three sectors: the _____ sector, the _____ sector, and the government sector. 2)The economic system of the United States is known as _____. 3)Formal education in the United States consists of_____, _____ and _____ education. 4)The minorities in the United States include the ______, ______, ______, ______, ______, among which the ______ are the most numerous. 5)The U.S. Government is composed of three branches. They are ____, ________ and _______. 6)“All men are created equal” is from the document called _____. 7)The Supreme Court is composed of _____ Justices who are appointed for life by _____ with the consent of _____ . 8)The judicial branch is composed of three tiers: the Supreme Court created by the US Constitution, 11 _____ and 91 _____ created by the Congress. The Supreme Court is composed of Chief Justice and associate justices. 9)American economy is now the largest in the world, producing roughly _____ of the total world output, while containing only about _____ of the total world population. 10)The development of the American economy has experienced three stages: _____ capitalism, industrial capitalism and _____ capitalism or imperialism. II. Choose the correct answer (3% each. Total: 30%). 1) The first blacks were brought to North America as ______. A. servants B. slaves C. farmers D. teachers