Null Arguments Null arguments:referring to arguments which contain no features.A null argument is void of content in the sense that it has the maximum generality of reference.It has no syntactic realization. John is eating. symbolized:'(John.Eat.3)'or more generally '(a.P B) 'John is eating'and 'John is sleeping'are quite different: the former is a two-place predicate,of which one argument is null,but the latter is a one-place predicate containing an intransitive v.• Null arguments: referring to arguments which contain no features. A null argument is void of content in the sense that it has the maximum generality of reference. It has no syntactic realization. • John is eating. symbolized: ‘(John . Eat. Ø)’ or more generally ‘(a. P. Ø)’ ‘John is eating’ and ‘John is sleeping’ are quite different: the former is a two-place predicate, of which one argument is null, but the latter is a one-place predicate containing an intransitive v. Null Arguments
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