29)(L96)nasty: a. very ugly or unpleasant to see, taste, smell, etc I almost threw up at sight of the nasty scene 腐乳是中国的传统食物,它闻起来臭吃起来香。 (Preserved bean curd is traditional Chinese food, which smells nasty, but tastes good. cf. dirty, foul nasty 这些形容词均有“脏的,污秽的”意思 diry普通用词,泛指被玷污或弄脏。例如: The poor child had to wash his own dirty clothes.可怜的孩子得自 己洗脏衣服。 foul指由于腐烂、恶臭等造成的不干净,令人恶心。例如: e must get rid of the foul rubbish dump.我们必须处理掉这堆恶臭 的垃圾 nasty主要指让特别讲究清洁的人感到讨厌的东西。 Jenny doesn't like the carpet they've chosen, and she thinks the color is nasty.珍尼不喜欢他们挑的那块地毯,她觉得颜色很难看。 30)(L96)rough: a not delicate or comfortable *the coat is made of rough woolen cloth f Roars of rough laughter rang out from the other end of the bar. cf. hoarse, harsh& roug 这些形容词均有“嘶哑的,沙哑的”之意。 hoarse指嘶哑刺耳的声音,通常因高声喊叫后嗓子失音所致。 harsh一般多指刺耳难听的声音。 rough指粗哑难听的声音 (Directions )Fill in the blanks with the words above. Change the form where necessary. 1. The_ cry of a crow woke me up early in the morning. harsh) 2. Your engine sounds a bit you'd better have it checked ( rough) 3. the fans shouted themselves during the game. hoarse12 29) (L.96 ) nasty: a. very ugly or unpleasant to see, taste, smell, etc. *I almost threw up at sight of the nasty scene. 腐乳是中国的传统食物, 它闻起来臭吃起来香。 (=Preserved bean curd is traditional Chinese food, which smells nasty, but tastes good.) cf. dirty, foul & nasty 这些形容词均有“脏的,污秽的”意思。 dirty 普通用词,泛指被玷污或弄脏。例如: *The poor child had to wash his own dirty clothes. 可怜的孩子得自 己洗脏衣服。 foul 指由于腐烂、恶臭等造成的不干净,令人恶心。例如: *We must get rid of the foul rubbish dump. 我们必须处理掉这堆恶臭 的垃圾。 nasty 主要指让特别讲究清洁的人感到讨厌的东西。 *Jenny doesn’t like the carpet they’ve chosen, and she thinks the color is nasty. 珍尼不喜欢他们挑的那块地毯,她觉得颜色很难看。 30) (L.96 ) rough: a. not delicate or comfortable *The coat is made of rough woolen cloth. (= Roars of rough laughter rang out from the other end of the bar.) cf. hoarse, harsh & rough 这些形容词均有“嘶哑的,沙哑的”之意。 hoarse 指嘶哑刺耳的声音,通常因高声喊叫后嗓子失音所致。 harsh 一般多指刺耳难听的声音。 rough 指粗哑难听的声音。 (Directions:) Fill in the blanks with the words above. Change the form where necessary. 1. The ______ cry of a crow woke me up early in the morning. (=harsh) 2. Your engine sounds a bit ______, you'd better have it checked. (= rough) 3. The fans shouted themselves _______ during the game. (=hoarse)
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