:Jan 199.1:ABI/NFORM Global Survey of Software with Mixture Experiment Capabilities GREGORY F.PIEPEL Battelle.Pacific Northwest Laboratories.Richland.WA 99352 total of 5ack litie ture ex mer analysis capa os)are smmarized in table form.Mailing addr and faxnumbers of the software vendors are also provide Introduction The dor in three taband were provided to the A two of the s paper.The three tables and their contents are dis Othe amount of the mixtur cussed in the next section. or pr rocess variables (nonmix It was b nd the of my ec software package.or to loo nd gather inform software having mixture ex. rience with several of the sofware packages.andI maires and asked to indicat whether or not their software had 【or des1gI rative mixtur mation about types of li problems with the Performing compar ative review are er e After receiving the vendors'respo es to the ques that ntere the vend or contact was th capahilities they need. To make intormatio Journal of Quality Technology Vol.29.No.1.January 1997 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner.Further reproduction prohibited without permission.Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Survey of software with mixture experiment capabilities Piepel, Gregory F Journal of Quality Technology; Jan 1997; 29, 1; ABI/INFORM Global pg. 76