1. Technical developments ITU-T supported IETF for the administration of a protocol for mapping telephone numbers into the dns ITU-Torganized several workshops on ENUM 2. ENUM Trial Implementation: IetF asked itu to facilitate government approval of EnuM implementations Under agreed procedures between lAB and ITU-T RIPE NCC will ask TSB if country approves eNUm delegation request If yes, it proceeds If no or no answer from the country, it does not proceed (tsB objects) TSB does not itself evaluate requests in any way. RIPE NCC checks technical as spects of requests 3. Excellent cooperation between IETF and ITU-T on ENUM and many issues seehttp://www.itu.int/itu-t/inr/enum/index.html An example of itu-t work on ENUm TSB5 TSB 1. Technical developments: - ITU-T supported IETF for the administration of a protocol for mapping telephone numbers into the DNS. - ITU-T organized several workshops on ENUM 2. ENUM Trial Implementation: - IETF asked ITU to facilitate government approval of ENUM implementations - Under agreed procedures between IAB and ITU-T: - RIPE NCC will ask TSB if country approves ENUM delegation request - If yes, it proceeds - If no or no answer from the country, it does not proceed (TSB objects) - TSB does not itself evaluate requests in any way. RIPE NCC checks technical aspects of requests 3. Excellent cooperation between IETF and ITU-T on ENUM and many issues see http://www.itu.int/ITU-T/inr/enum/index.html An example of ITU-T work on ENUM