积累与巩固 工.根据句意及汉语提示补全句子。 1.I don't like loud music.It always c drives(迫使)me crazy. 2.What's wrong with you?You look_pale_(苍白的), 3.The king lived in a beautiful palace_(宫殿), 4.He was afraid of losing his power_(枚力). 5.Happiness is more important than wealth_(财富), 导航页导航页 积累与巩固 Ⅰ. 根据句意及汉语提示补全句子。 1. I don’t like loud music. It always ________(迫使) me crazy. 2. What’s wrong with you?You look ________(苍白的). 3. The king lived in a beautiful __________(宫殿). 4. He was afraid of losing his __________(权力). 5. Happiness is more important than ________(财富). drives pale palace power wealth
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