Still locked in the structure of reified consciousness: Hegels philosophy: mythology (quotation: about the subject of history)p146 Classical philosophy: the philosophy of contemplation Two, the Consciousness of the Proletariat and the dialectic of Totality 1, dialectic and revolution: Marxism marxist dialectic the dialectic of totality revolution to revive Marxism to revive Hegel's dialectic of totality For anyone wish ing to return to the revolutionary trad itions of Marxism the revival of Hegelian trad itions was obligatory. History and Class Consciousness represents what was perhaps the most radical attempt to restore the revolutionary nature of Marxist theories by renovating and extend ing Hegels dialectics and method. (the new preface written in 1967) 2. mediation and dialectic A, categories of mediation: from the merely immediate reality to the authentically objective reality p150 the objective reality of soc ial existence is in its immediacy the same for both mediation by means of which both classes raise this immediacy to the level of consciousness, by means of which the merely immed iate real ity becomes for both the authentically objective real ity, from being fundamentally d ifferent, thanks to the different position occupied by the two classes within the economic I B, genesis: the forms of media tion(the structural principles, real tendencies of the objects themselves) p155" To go beyond this immediacy can only mean the genesis, the creation'of the object. But this assumes that the forms of med iation in and through which it becomes ejects as they are shown to be the structural principles and the real tendencies of objects themselves C, mediation: the totality of history(the unity of subject and object, the unity of essence and necessity) p156 Hegel: the mediating factor would have to be something in which both sides were one, in which consc iousness would discern each aspect in the next, its purpose and activity in its fate, its fate in its purpose and activity, its own essence in its own 3, the consciousness of the proletariat (from consciousness to self-consciousness) A, the immediate reality: the workers. the pure object of history; the tension between soul(qualitative content )and form(the2 Still locked in the structure of reified consciousness: Hegel’s philosophy: mythology (quotation: about the subject of history)p146 Classical philosophy: the philosophy of contemplation Two, the Consciousness of the Proletariat and the Dialectic of Totality 1, dialectic and revolution: Marxism = Marxist dialectic = the dialectic of totality = revolution to revive Marxism = to revive Hegel’s dialectic of totality “For anyone wishing to return to the revolutionary traditions of Marxism the revival of Hegelian traditions was obligatory. History and Class Consciousness represents what was perhaps the most radical attempt to restore the revolutionary nature of Marxist theories by renovating and extending Hegel’s dialectics and method.” (the new preface written in 1967) 2, mediation and dialectic A, categories of mediation: from the merely immediate reality to the authentically objective reality p150“the objective reality of social existence is in its immediacy ‘the same’ for both proletariat and bourgeois. But this does not prevent the specific categories of mediation by means of which both classes raise this immediacy to the level of consciousness, by means of which the merely immediate reality becomes for both the authentically objective reality, from being fundamentally different, thanks to the different position occupied by the two classes within the ‘same’ economic process.” B, genesis: the forms of mediation(the structural principles, real tendencies of the objects themselves) p155 “ To go beyond this immediacy can only mean the genesis, the ‘creation’ of the object. But this assumes that the forms of mediation in and through which it becomes possible to go beyond the immediate existence of objects as they are given, can be shown to be the structural principles and the real tendencies of the objects themselves. ” C, mediation: the totality of history (the unity of subject and object, the unity of essence and necessity) p156 Hegel: “the mediating factor would have to be something in which both sides were one, in which consciousness would discern each aspect in the next, its purpose and activity in its fate, its fate in its purpose and activity, its own essence in its own necessity.” 3, the consciousness of the proletariat (from consciousness to self-consciousness) A, the immediate reality: the workers: the pure object of history; the tension between soul (qualitative content) and form (the
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