Dataset of Present Status, Supply and Demand, and Import-Export Volume of Important Metal Mineral Resources in China GEOSCIENTIFIC DATA DISCOVERY 4) and on the strategic emerging minerals in China. The data acquisition covered 16 kinds of important metal minerals including iron, manganese, copper, aluminium, gold, lead, zi nickel, tungsten, molybdenum, tin, lithium, chromium, cobalt, antimony, and titanium. The data were acquired between January 2006 and December 2017 from the Statistical Bulletin of Land, Mineral and Marine resources in China published by the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Peoples Republic of China, World Mineral Resources Annual Review published by the former Information Center of the Ministry of Land and Resources of the People's Republic of China, Statistical Bulletin issued by the National Bureau of Statistics(National Bureau of Statistics of China, 2018), the statistical information website of the General Administration of CustomsP.r.China(http://www.customs.gov.cn)(generalAdministrationofCustomsP.r China, 2018), mineral resources database of the United States Geological Survey(USGS) Antaike, a metal quotation webs), related research reports at home and abroad, and other data on resource exploration, development, supply and demand, trade, etc (Wind, 2018). Based or the public database and data in authoritative websites such as mentioned above, the resource reserves and other data of the important metal minerals in the past ten years were updated. In status of the strategic resources of the important metal minerals was analyzed comprehensively, and the application of the important metal minerals in the strategy of national economic development was evaluated, thus providing a basis for the selection of major minerals in large-scale national resource bases as well as planning and deployment of new-era mineral resources exploration loyment of new-era mineral resources exploration. 2.2 Data processi The dataset of the important metal minerals was achieved through information query, data extraction, input of data into the database, data check including self-check and check conducted by others successively, ensuring all data were accurate and raw. It was forbidden to process raw data or directly extract data from sources processed. The data process is described in detail as follows: data collectors made data query from authoritative and original sources and then selected the data required and input it into data tables with reference source being ecorded for each data item for late data traceability. After that, the data were personally checked by both data collectors and people other than data collectors. The data collectors personally verified each of the collected data from the beginning by tracing the data sources Then the people other than the data collectors randomly selected the data from the dataset with a selected data quantity of 30% of the total data. Once any errors were found, the related data ould be modified and the self-check process would be initiated again, The data would be hecked repeatedly in this way until all the data of the dataset were verified correctly without any errors. 3 Description of Data Samples The dataset is an Excel file named the "Dataset of important metal minerals"and co x sheets including Resources in the World, Identified Resource Reserves in China, Reserves Base in China, Ram Ore Production in China, Rmy Ore Consumption in China, and http://geodb.cgs.gov.cnGeolOgyInChinA2019,Vol.46Supp.(1)1147and  on  the  strategic  emerging  minerals  in  China.  The  data  acquisition  covered  16  kinds  of important  metal  minerals  including  iron,  manganese,  copper,  aluminium,  gold,  lead,  zinc, nickel,  tungsten,  molybdenum,  tin,  lithium,  chromium,  cobalt,  antimony,  and  titanium.  The data were acquired between January 2006 and December 2017 from the Statistical Bulletin of Land, Mineral and Marine Resources in China published by the Ministry of Natural Resources of the People’s Republic of China, World Mineral Resources Annual Review published by the former Information Center of the Ministry of Land and Resources of the People’s Republic of China, Statistical Bulletin issued  by  the  National  Bureau  of  Statistics  (National  Bureau  of Statistics of China, 2018), the statistical information website of the General Administration of Customs, P. R. China (http://www.customs.gov.cn) (General Administration of Customs, P. R. China,  2018),  mineral  resources  database  of  the  United  States  Geological  Survey  (USGS), Antaike, a metal quotation webs), related research reports at home and abroad, and other data on resource exploration, development, supply and demand, trade, etc (Wind, 2018). Based on the public database and data in authoritative websites such as mentioned above, the resource reserves and other data of the important metal minerals in the past ten years were updated. In addition,  the  status  of  the  strategic  resources  of  the  important  metal  minerals  was  analyzed comprehensively,  and  the  application  of  the  important  metal  minerals  in  the  strategy  of national  economic  development  was  evaluated,  thus  providing  a  basis  for  the  selection  of major minerals in large-scale national resource bases as well as planning and deployment of new-era mineral resources exploration.loyment of new-era mineral resources exploration. 2.2    Data Processing The dataset of the important metal minerals was achieved through information query, data extraction,  input  of  data  into  the  database,  data  check  including  self-check  and  check conducted by others successively, ensuring all data were accurate and raw. It was forbidden to process raw data or directly extract data from sources processed. The data process is described in detail as follows: data collectors made data query from authoritative and original sources, and  then  selected  the  data  required  and  input  it  into  data  tables  with  reference  source  being recorded  for  each  data  item  for  late  data  traceability.  After  that,  the  data  were  personally checked  by  both  data  collectors  and  people  other  than  data  collectors.  The  data  collectors personally verified each of the collected data from the beginning by tracing the data sources. Then the people other than the data collectors randomly selected the data from the dataset with a selected data quantity of 30% of the total data. Once any errors were found, the related data would  be  modified  and  the  self-check  process  would  be  initiated  again.  The  data  would  be checked repeatedly in this way until all the data of the dataset were verified correctly without any errors. 3    Description of Data Samples The dataset is an Excel file named the “Dataset of important metal minerals” and contains six sheets including Resources in the World, Identified Resource Reserves in China, Reserves Base in China, Raw Ore Production in China, Raw Ore Consumption in China, and Dataset of Present Status, Supply and Demand, and Import-Export Volume of Important Metal Mineral Resources in China GEOSCIENTIFIC DATA & DISCOVERY(4) http://geodb.cgs.gov.cn GEOLOGY IN CHINA 2019, Vol.46 Supp.(1) | 147
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