Goals:The goal of this class is to establish an understanding of the instrinsic prop- erties of transmission of information and the relation between coding and the founda- mental limits of information transmission in the context of communication. Course Outline .Entropy and Mutual information (Measure of information) ·Sourse coding 。Channel capacity ·The Gaussian channel .Coding for a noisy channel(Block coding principles) .Rate distortion theory 基本内容可以概括为: r{镜能整资药务深-ind山adai感时u收sg Textbook:T M Cover and I A.Thon s Elements of info edit 版影印本:清华大学出版社,2003). References: (1)C.E.Shannon,"A mathematical theory of communication",Bell Syst.Tech.J., vol.27,1948. (2)R.G.Gallager,Information Theory and Reliable Communication,Wiley,1968. (3)R.J.McEliece,The Theory of Information and coding,1977.(Thisisa very readable small book) 田不教辰 Information Theory and Network Coding,Springer,2008. (5)J.Massey,Digital Information Theory,Course notes,ETH. (6)M.Medard,Transmission of Information,Course notes,MIT. (⑦)王有民,李晖,信息论与编码理论,第二版,高等教有出版社,2013 (⑧)仇佩亮,信息论与编码,高等教有出版社,2003 (⑨)付祖芸,信息论,电子工业出版社. (10)R.G.Gallager,"Claude E.Shannon:A retrospective on his life,work,and im- pact,"IEEE Trans.Inform.Theory,vol.47,no.7,pp.2681-2695,Nov.2001.Goals: The goal of this class is to establish an understanding of the instrinsic prop￾erties of transmission of information and the relation between coding and the founda￾mental limits of information transmission in the context of communication. Course Outline: • Entropy and Mutual information (Measure of information) • Sourse coding • Channel capacity • The Gaussian channel • Coding for a noisy channel (Block coding principles) • Rate distortion theory 基本内容可以概括为: IT { 通信的基本性能限 逼近性能限的方法 – Coding: source coding, channel coding, network coding Textbook: T. M. Cover and J. A. Thomas, Elements of Information Theory, 2nd edition, New York, Wiley, 2006. (中译本:信息论基础,机械工业出版社,2008;第一 版影印本:清华大学出版社,2003). References: (1) C. E. Shannon, “A mathematical theory of communication”, Bell Syst. Tech. J., vol. 27, 1948. (2) R. G. Gallager, Information Theory and Reliable Communication, Wiley, 1968. (3) R. J. McEliece, The Theory of Information and coding, 1977. (This is a very readable small book) (4) Raymond W. Yeung, Information Theory and Network Coding, Springer, 2008. (中 译本:高等教育出版社,2011) (5) J. Massey, Digital Information Theory, Course notes, ETH. (6) M. Medard, Transmission of Information, Course notes, MIT. (7) 王育民,李晖,信息论与编码理论,第二版,高等教育出版社,2013. (8) 仇佩亮,信息论与编码,高等教育出版社,2003. (9) 付祖芸,信息论,电子工业出版社. (10) R. G. Gallager, “Claude E. Shannon: A retrospective on his life, work, and im￾pact,”IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, vol.47, no.7, pp. 2681-2695, Nov. 2001
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