Exercises 练习题 1. Draw the third-view from its two other views shown. 已知各点的两个投影,求其第三投影。 2.Construct the three projections of points A,B,C,D.from its coordinate and distance. 根据所给定点的坐标或点到投影面的距离,画出点A、B、 GD的三面投影。 3.The point A (30,15,0).according to request draw the three projections of points A,B,C. 已知A点的坐标为(30、15、O,按要求画出点A、B、C 的三面投影。 4.Draw three projections of points A,B,C,D,from its coordinate. 己知各点的坐标,画出点A、B、CD的三面投影。 请点击题目显示其内容 9 1. Draw the third-view from its two other views shown. 已知各点的两个投影,求其第三投影。 请点击题目显示其内容 Exercises 练习题 2. Construct the three projections of points A, B, C, D. from its coordinate and distance. 根据所给定点的坐标或点到投影面的距离,画出点A、B、 C、D 的三面投影。 3. The point A (30,15,0). according to request draw the three projections of points A, B, C . 已知A点的坐标为(30、15、0),按要求画出点 A、B、C 的三面投影。 4. Draw three projections of points A, B, C, D, from its coordinate. 已知各点的坐标,画出点A、B、C、D的三面投影
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