Lesson 1-Thinking as a Hobby II. Quiz 1 5. Because of grade-two thinking, the author became separated from other people who 5.F were grade-three thinkers 6.T 6. Grade-one thinkers are persons of reason 7.F and logic 8.F 7. When the author grew up, he did not have the hobby of thinking any more 8. To the author the three statuettes meant three levels of thinking W BTLE The end of Quiz 1.W B T L E Lesson 1—Thinking as a Hobby II. Quiz 1 5. F 6. T 7. F 8. F The end of Quiz 1. 5. Because of grade-two thinking, the author became separated from other people who were grade-three thinkers. 6. Grade-one thinkers are persons of reason and logic. 7. When the author grew up, he did not have the hobby of thinking any more. 8. To the author, the three statuettes meant three levels of thinking
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