8536d_ch08_185-199 8/2/02 10:08 AM Page 199 mac79 Mac 79: 45_Bwppldsby et al./ Immunology Se Antigen Processing and Presentation CHAPTER8 199 H-2 TH cells lysozyme-pr med H-2 9. Molecules of the CDI family were recently shown to present macrophag H-2 CTLs influenza-infected H-2k a. What is a major source of nonpeptide antigens? macrophages H-2 CTLs influenza-infected H-2d b. Why are CDI molecules not classified as members of the MHC family even though they associate with B H-2CTls influenza-infected H-2k C. What evidence suggests that the CDi pathway is different from that utilized by classical class I MHC molecules? 8. HLA-DM and HLA-DO are termed nonclassical MHC class II olecules. How do they differ from the classical MHC cla II? How do they differ from each other?c. ______H-2k TH cells lysozyme-primed H-2d macrophages d. ______H-2k CTLs influenza-infected H-2k macrophages e. ______H-2k CTLs influenza-infected H-2d macrophages f. ______H-2d CTLs influenza-infected H-2d/k macrophages 8. HLA-DM and HLA-DO are termed nonclassical MHC class II molecules. How do they differ from the classical MHC class II? How do they differ from each other? 9. Molecules of the CD1 family were recently shown to present nonpeptide antigens. a. What is a major source of nonpeptide antigens? b. Why are CD1 molecules not classified as members of the MHC family even though they associate with 2- microglobulin? c. What evidence suggests that the CD1 pathway is different from that utilized by classical class I MHC molecules? Antigen Processing and Presentation CHAPTER 8 199 8536d_ch08_185-199 8/2/02 10:08 AM Page 199 mac79 Mac 79:45_BW:Goldsby et al. / Immunology 5e:
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