homework,collecting books and other things.Help your children if they need. Thirdly,don't have breakfast in a hurry.Ask kids what they want to eat for breakfast the night before and plan out breakfast ideas.A simple breakfast is enough. 参考答案 听力部分 I.1~5 CBCAC IⅡ.1~5 CBACC III.1~5 ACCBB IV.1.15 minutes/fifteen minutes 2.Get everything done 3.collecting books 4.simple 5.parents 笔试部分 V.1-5 CDACC 6-10 DAACC VI.1~5 CDBAC 6~10 ABACD VII.1~5 DCCAD 6~10 BDCAB 11~15 DBABC Ⅷ. 1.sports 2.Jin Xi plans to build an excellent model plane. 3.155cm. 4.The students are talking about their wishes if they study in a senior high school. 案不唯一) 5.但是对此我也不确定,因为我的家族中大多数女孩子的身高都没有超过160厘 米。 IX.1.worried 2.exciting 3.done 4.to find 5.eighth 6.places 7.interested 8.joining 9.activities 10.more X.略(符合题目要求即可)homework,collecting books and other things. Help your children if they need. Thirdly,don’t have breakfast in a hurry. Ask kids what they want to eat for breakfast the night before and plan out breakfast ideas. A simple breakfast is enough. 参考答案 听力部分 Ⅰ. 1~5 CBCAC Ⅱ. 1~5 CBACC Ⅲ. 1~5 ACCBB Ⅳ. 1. 15 minutes/fifteen minutes 2. Get everything done 3. collecting books 4. simple 5. parents 笔试部分 Ⅴ. 1~5 CDACC 6~10 DAACC Ⅵ. 1~5 CDBAC 6~10 ABACD Ⅶ. 1~5 DCCAD 6~10 BDCAB 11~15 DBABC Ⅷ. 1. sports 2. Jin Xi plans to build an excellent model plane. 3. 155 cm. 4. The students are talking about their wishes if they study in a senior high school. (答 案不唯一) 5. 但是对此我也不确定,因为我的家族中大多数女孩子的身高都没有超过 160 厘 米。 Ⅸ. 1. worried 2. exciting 3. done 4. to find 5. eighth 6. places 7. interested 8. joining 9. activities 10. more Ⅹ. 略(符合题目要求即可)
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