Absolute purchasing power parity the Big Mac Index Assuming that the Big Mac is identical in all countries,it serves as a comparison point as to whether or not currencies are trading at market prices. Big Mac in China costs Yuan11,while the same Big Mac in the US costs $3.41. The actual exchange rate was Yuan7.60/$at the time. The price of a Big Mac in China in US dollars: Yuan11/(Yuan7.60/s)=$1.45Absolute purchasing power parity the Big Mac Index Assuming that the Big Mac is identical in all countries, it serves as a comparison point as to whether or not currencies are trading at market prices. Big Mac in China costs Yuan11, while the same Big Mac in the US costs $3.41. The actual exchange rate was Yuan7.60/$ at the time. The price of a Big Mac in China in US dollars: Yuan11/ ( Yuan7.60/$ ) = $1.45