1559T_ch18_323-34311/3/0511:12Page330 ⊕ EQA 330.Chapter 18 ENOLS,ENOLATES,AND THE ALDOL CONDENSATION:B-UNSATURATED ALDEHYDES AND KETONES 0d- rrow.Bo l hydroxycarbonyl compound (c) 39. The direction of nucleophilic attack is shown, and the new bond is marked in the product with an arrow. Both the initial hydroxycarbonyl compound and the enone that forms upon dehydration are shown. (a) (b) (c) OH and (E and Z) O O O H   O O O OH and (E and Z) O H CH3  O  H2C O O OH and (E and Z) O H  O  H2C  O  O O O and OH 330 • Chapter 18 ENOLS, ENOLATES, AND THE ALDOL CONDENSATION: , -UNSATURATED ALDEHYDES AND KETONES 1559T_ch18_323-343 11/3/05 11:12 Page 330
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