物理学 2-3几种常见的力 第五版 弹性力( Elastic force) 由物体形变而产生的 A force produced by a deformed object which tries to restore to the original shape 常见弹性力有:正压力、支持力、张力、弹 簧弹性力等 The elastic forces often seen are: Pressure force Supporting force Tension force Elastic force 弹簧弹性力( ( Elastic force of spring) F=-kx 胡克定律(Ho0ke'slaw) 第二章牛顿定律 4/14第二章 牛顿定律 物 第 理 五版 学 2-3 几种常见的力 4/14 二 弹性力(Eelastic force) 常见弹性力有:正压力、支持力、张力、弹 簧弹性力等. 弹簧弹性力(Elastic force of spring) F  kx ——胡克定律(Hooke's law) 由物体形变而产生的. A force produced by a deformed object which tries to restore to the original shape The elastic forces often seen are:Pressure force Supporting force Tension force Elastic force
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