物理学 7-3磁场磁感强度 第五版 讨论( Discussion) 无论电荷静止还是运动,都会激发电场, 所以电荷间都存在库仑相互作用 Regardless of static charge or moving charge will creates the electric field, there so are Coulombs interaction between the charges 口运动的电荷才会激发磁场,即只有 运动电荷之间才存在磁的相互作用 The moving charge will creates magnetic field, that is, there only is magnetic interaction between the moving charges 第七章恒定磁场 8/13第七章 恒定磁场 物理学 第五版 7-3 磁场 磁感强度 8/13 无论电荷静止还是运动,都会激发电场, 所以电荷间都存在库仑相互作用 运动的电荷才会激发磁场,即只有 运动电荷之间才存在磁的相互作用 讨论(Discussion) Regardless of static charge or moving charge will creates the electric field, there so are Coulomb’s interaction between the charges The moving charge will creates magnetic field, that is, there only is magnetic interaction between the moving charges
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