Team 2056 Page 14 of 50 Arriving Passe Seated Passengers Time cost Middle Middle Aisle and window 9 Middle Window Middle and aisle 13 Figure 3: Table of seat collision values, in normalized processor time -arrange All other combinations of arriving passenger and seated passengers result in no time 3.2.2 Seat collisions A common occurrence when loading a plane is the need for a passen- ger to cross a seated passenger to reach his seat. For example, the passenger assigned to the window seat 22A could be forced to move across the passenger sitting in the middle seat 22B in order to reach for seat collisions, we implemented a new processor function: ount his seat. We call this situation a seat collision. In order to ac Rearrange. This cycle is spent waiting for the aisle to clea after the seat collision. This operation reduces the seat collision counter by one Seat collisions have a certain time penalty(which is stored as the seat collision counter)associated with This penalty is dependent on what type of collision occurs. The possible collisions for a standard 6-wide airplane can be seen in figure 3 When a seat collision is detected, the processor for that row spends a number of cycles equal to the time cost sorting out the collision. During that time, no other passengers may enter the pro- cessor(though they can enter the processor queue The values for the seat collision time costs were determined by phys- ical experimentation involving multiple trials over a simulated plane Assumptions in section 3.2.2 All seat collisions of a given type have the same time cost Though we could expect some variation in collision time(dueTeam 2056 Page 14 of 50 Arriving Passenger Seated Passengers Time cost Middle Aisle 9 Middle Aisle and Window 9 Window Aisle 9 Window Middle 9 Window Middle and Aisle 13 Figure 3: Table of seat collision values, in normalized processor time trearrange tpass . All other combinations of arriving passenger and seated passengers result in no time penalty. 3.2.2 Seat collisions A common occurrence when loading a plane is the need for a passen￾ger to cross a seated passenger to reach his seat. For example, the passenger assigned to the window seat 22A could be forced to move across the passenger sitting in the middle seat 22B in order to reach his seat. We call this situation a seat collision. In order to account for seat collisions, we implemented a new processor function: • Rearrange. This cycle is spent waiting for the aisle to clear after the seat collision. This operation reduces the seat collision counter by one. Seat collisions have a certain time penalty (which is stored as the seat collision counter) associated with them. This penalty is dependent on what type of collision occurs. The possible collisions for a standard 6-wide airplane can be seen in figure 3. When a seat collision is detected, the processor for that row spends a number of cycles equal to the time cost sorting out the collision. During that time, no other passengers may enter the pro￾cessor (though they can enter the processor queue). The values for the seat collision time costs were determined by phys￾ical experimentation involving multiple trials over a simulated plane row. Assumptions in section 3.2.2 • All seat collisions of a given type have the same time cost. Though we could expect some variation in collision time (due
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