Chapter 12 ISATAP 283 Network Monitor Capture Here is an example of the IPv4-encapsulated Router Solicitation message as displayed by Network Monitor 3.1 (frame 1 of capture 12_0l in the \NetworkMonitorCaptures folder on the companion CD-ROM): Frame: Ethernet:Etype Internet IP (IPv4) -Ipv4:Next Protocol■IPv6 over IPv4,Packet ID■56,Total IP Length■68 Versions:IPv4,Internet Protocol;Header Length =20 DifferentiatedServicesField:DSCP:0,ECN:0 TotalLength:68 (0x44) Identification:56 (0x38) FragmentFlags:0 (0x0) TimeToLive:128 (0x80) NextProtocol:IPv6 over IPv4,41(0x29) Checksum:9815 (0x2657) SourceAddress: DestinationAddress: Ipv6:Next Protocol ICMPv6,Payload Length =8 Versions:IPv6,Internet Protocol,DSCP 0 PayloadLength:8 (0x8) NextProtocol:ICMPv6,58(0x3a) HopLimit:255 (OxFF) SourceAddress:FE80:0:0:0:0:5EFE:A00:2 DestinationAddress:FE80:0:0:0:0:5EFE:A00:1 Icmpv6:Router Solicitation MessageType:Router Solicitation,133(0x85) RouterSolicitation: Code:0 (0x0) Checksum:43963 (0xABBB) Reserved:0 (0x0) Notice that the IPv4 address of the ISATAP router is note the use of the unicast ISATAP address of the ISATAP router as the IPv6 destination address in the IPv6 header. Here is an example of the IPv4-encapsulated Router Advertisement message as displayed by Network Monitor 3.1 (in the \NetworkMonitorCaptures folder on the companion CD-ROM frame 2 of capture 12_01): Frame: Ethernet:Etype Internet IP (IPv4) Ipv4:Next Protocol IPv6 over IPv4,Packet ID 4011,Total IP Length 148 Versions:IPv4,Internet Protocol;Header Length =20 DifferentiatedServicesField:DSCP:0,ECN:0 TotalLength:148 (0x94) Identification:4011 (0xFAB) FragmentFlags:0 (0x0) TimeToLive:128 (Ox80) NextProtocol:IPv6 over IPv4,41(0x29) Checksum:5780 (0x1694) SourceAddress: DestinationAddress:￾    ￾  !" #$%&'()*+,-.!/ $0% (12&0(3&%/( (&!# 4 1$% 5165 7(8&9:&!(&;<=>' #=&'/ $(0=?@A=!()B7(8&9:&!(&C $(0'&%1&! ()/&#$ !&!CD.2E:FG HIJKLM  N OPQLIRLPM OPSTLUVRPLIRLP VW XVWYZ[ \ VTYZM ]L^P WI_P_`_aUVWYb _YLI VWYZc WJ`dLP VeUfbc g_PJa VW hLRiPQUbj N kLIlm_RlM VWYZc VRPLIRLP WI_P_`_an oLJpLI hLRiPQUqr N emssLILRPmJPLptLIYm`LlHmLapM etuWM rc Ou]M r g_PJahLRiPQM bj Xr^ZZ[ VpLRPmsm`JPm_RM fb Xr^vj[ N HIJiKLRPHaJilMrXr^r[ gmKLg_hmYLM wqj Xr^jr[ ]L^PWI_P_`_aM VWYb _YLI VWYZc ZwXr^qx[ uQL`dlyKM xjwf Xr^qbfz[ t_yI`L{ppILllM wr|r|r|q eLlPmRJPm_R{ppILllM wr|r|r|w \ VTYbM ]L^P WI_P_`_aUVu}WYbc WJSa_Jp hLRiPQUj N kLIlm_RlM VWYbc VRPLIRLP WI_P_`_ac etuW r WJSa_JphLRiPQMjXr^j[ ]L^PWI_P_`_aM Vu}WYbc fjXr^vJ[ o_ThmKmPM qff Xr^HH[ t_yI`L{ppILllM HOjrMrMrMrMrMfOHOM{rrMq eLlPmRJPm_R{ppILllM HOjrMrMrMrMrMfOHOM{rrMw \ V`KTYbM ~_yPLI t_am`mPJPm_R }LllJiLgSTLM ~_yPLI t_am`mPJPm_Rc wvvXr^jf[ \ ~_yPLIt_am`mPJPm_RM  u_pLMrXr^r[ uQL`dlyKM Zvxbv Xr^{[ ~LlLIYLpMrXr^r[ 7&(/() (()*+,- 11&'()*3€€+&0(=A<A<A<=<€%&!&(()0&'()0!/ ( *3€€+ 11&'()*3€€+&0( ()*+,‚1(! (&! 11!()*+,‚) 1<  !" #$%&'()*+,-.!/ $0% (12&0(€1,(#!(# 4 1$% 5165 7(8&9:&!(&;<=>!()B7(8&9:&!(&C $(0'&%1&!()/&#$ !&!CD.2E:ƒ ' #?&'/ $(0=?@A=FG HIJKLM  N OPQLIRLPM OPSTLUVRPLIRLP VW XVWYZ[ \ VTYZM ]L^P WI_P_`_aUVWYb _YLI VWYZc WJ`dLP VeUZrwwc g_PJa VW hLRiPQUwZj N kLIlm_RlM VWYZc VRPLIRLP WI_P_`_an oLJpLI hLRiPQUqr N emssLILRPmJPLptLIYm`LlHmLapM etuWM rc Ou]M r g_PJahLRiPQM wZj Xr^xZ[ VpLRPmsm`JPm_RM Zrww Xr^H{[ N HIJiKLRPHaJilMrXr^r[ gmKLg_hmYLM wqj Xr^jr[ ]L^PWI_P_`_aM VWYb _YLI VWYZc ZwXr^qx[ uQL`dlyKM fzjr Xr^wbxZ[ t_yI`L{ppILllM wr|r|r|w eLlPmRJPm_R{ppILllM wr|r|r|q
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