CMOS TRANSISTORS Modern digital systems designed in CMOs MOS: Metal-Oxide on semiconductor C for complementary: use pairs of normally-open and normally-closed switches 5V CMOS transistors act as voltage-controlled switches N-type MOSFET Switch is closed when input is 5V NMOS transistors Switch closed(open) for a high(low)voltage PMOS transistors 5V P-type MOSFET Switch closed(open) for a low(high) voltage Switch is closed when input is OV▪Modern digital systems designed in CMOS ▪ MOS: Metal-Oxide on Semiconductor ▪ C for complementary: use pairs of normally-open and normally-closed switches ▪ CMOS transistors act as voltage-controlled switches. ▪NMOS transistors ▪ Switch closed (open) for a high (low) voltage ▪PMOS transistors ▪ Switch closed (open) for a low (high) voltage 10
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